Pine Tree Lane

4 Dining Table Styles To Make You The Envy Of All Your Friends

With the dining table getting more use this year than any other as more people stay home, it’s swiftly become a vital piece of furniture for any house. With so many styles to choose from, deciding which one to get can be a minefield, especially if you are planning on custom building your dining table from scratch. Here we look at four trending dining table styles to make you the envy of all your friends and family. Bench Seating Bringing a mix of old school dining hall and church pew, many dining tables now incorporate a bench style seating in their furniture design. This can either be just one side of the table or both and is perfect for when you have less space but need more seating, as more people fit round the table when a bench is involved. The most popular material for bench-style seating round a dining table is wood, with many using reclaimed or recycled wood in their custom designs. Pedestal Dining A pedestal dining table is when a circular or oval tabletop is built on top of a single leg support, similar to café style tables. Available in many materials from heavy-duty plastic to metal, the pedestal dining table lets the table become a feature in its own right, regardless of the chairs used. It’s a smart, symmetrical style and best suited to those looking for something modern for their home. Trestle Table A trestle table consists of a rectangular tabletop with crossed legs at either end of the table supporting it. Built originally to be easily portable and flexible, the trestle style is now a standard request for custom built dining tables – providing both a trendy and a classic vibe. This style is best suited to wooden tables, although it can also be made using metal legs. Rustic Farmhouse A rustic farmhouse table is always made of heavy-duty wood such as oak or pine. To achieve a rustic look the wood should be well grained and either with slightly rough edges or distress painted in a ‘shabby chic’ style. Rustic farmhouse tables are usually large and seats 8-12 guests and combine well with benches or odd chairs.   Whether you’re planning on buying an already-made dining table from a store or custom building your own tailor-made furniture, the most important thing to remember is the functionality. While having the perfect style is of course key, having a table that does not suit your lifestyle or requirements will mean you don’t get to make the most out of your new furniture. Start by figuring out what you will use it for and how many people you need it to accommodate and go from there.

4 Steps To Remember When Designing Your Perfect Wardrobe

Close your eyes and imagine the wardrobe of your dreams. Is it filled with perfectly organized compartments? Rows of racks for your shoes? Different size sections to perfectly fit your long dresses or suits without squashing anything? Sliding wardrobe doors or a walk-in closet? Well, who said your dream wardrobe can’t become a reality? Creating your ideal wardrobe design isn’t as farfetched as you may think. As long as you’re willing to think out and plan exactly what you’re looking for, you will be able to design the right wardrobe to fit your space and fill your needs. Here we look at four tips to help you create your perfect wardrobe design for your bedroom from scratch. Start With Functionality You may have always wanted a walk-in closet or rows to display your handbags, but the first thing you need to question is: Is this really functional? Do you have space to include all of these dreamy features? A great way to start is by looking at the contents of your wardrobe: your clothes, shoes, bags and accessories. Perhaps you have an endless amount of clothes that can be folded or need more hanging space than drawer space. Perhaps you don’t actually have enough space in your bedroom to have a wardrobe that allows unique compartments for every item. Or maybe your dream of having display shoe racks won’t look so good when it’s only filled with a couple of pairs of shoes! Once you have in mind exactly what you need lifestyle-wise, measure up the space you have for the wardrobe and consider walking-around space so that you won’t be opening the doors or drawers too close to the bed or any other furniture. Consider Colors You may think that having a colored wardrobe will look great with your current bedroom, but will this style last the test of time? You may love the color now but may not in a few years. When you’re designing a piece of furniture from scratch you want it to last a long time, so opting for more neutral colors such as white or cream or having the wardrobe sliding doors in mirror instead will be a safer bet. Having built in or custom-made wardrobes is a great selling feature to any home, so having them made in a neutral color that will be appreciated by people with all tastes will also help you when it comes to selling your house. Focus On Organization It’s no good having a beautifully designed wardrobe if the organization inside is all over the place. As well as having to look good, remember the main function of a wardrobe is to store your clothes, so don’t let the design from the outside override your main objective inside. When organizing how the inside of your wardrobe should look, consider what items you use most often and put their compartments at the optimal place within the wardrobe to easily view and reach them. For example, if you never use suits, then you don’t need to have them stored front and centre, whereas if you use T-shirts every day these should be the first thing you access when you open the wardrobe. Remember Lighting Now you have all of your clothes well organized you need to be able to see them properly, so good lighting is key! If you’re not able to have lighting within the wardrobe itself then make sure you position downlighting above the outside of the wardrobe doors or have large floor lamps nearby so that the beautiful new design is well lit at all times.

4 Features You Need In Your New Kitchen

Are you planning a new kitchen design and lost on what you should go for? From kitchen cabinet styles to drawer inserts and the materials used, there’s a lot to think about when you’re planning a modern kitchen design. But to make sure you don’t feel overwhelmed or miss anything, we’ve listed four features you need to consider in your new kitchen. Slow Closing Drawers And Doors Slow closing doors or drawers aren’t anything new, but they may be something you simply forget when planning your new kitchen design. Not only do these save you time and the pain of your kids or family constantly slamming cupboard doors but also they add an elegant touch to any design. In fact, many people looking at high-end kitchens will automatically assume they will have slow closing drawers and kitchen cabinets, meaning that this is something buyers will look at when you come to sell your home in the future. Pantry Compartments You can never have enough storage in kitchens and when it comes to organizing such storage, you really want to pay attention to your panty compartments. With the likes of Marie Kondo and de-cluttering being a big trend at the moment, more and more people are paying attention to the insides of their kitchen cabinets – and so should you. Consider drawer dividers; different level shelves for stacking particular items; herb compartments; and space for jars for storing cupboard goods. Integrated Technology Having integrated technology will instantly turn a modern kitchen from okay to outstanding. From smart kitchen appliances like a fridge that lets you know what food items you’re running short on or a quick, self-regulating toaster to a Wi-Fi-controlled coffee machine and automatic hand soap dispensers, the list of gadgets to include in your new kitchen design is endless. However these tech items can quickly add up in price, so make sure you‘re only opting for items that you will either use or will add value to your home. Sustainable Materials Sustainability is a major factor when designing a new kitchen, with the majority of us now wanting to make our homes as green as possible. While there is certain technology that can help with this is the kitchen, you will also want to make sure your kitchen cabinets are made from sustainable, eco-friendly materials, such as sustainable or recycled wood and never plastic. While it can be time-consuming to research what types of sustainable materials can be used in kitchens, the easiest way to assure you’re being as green as possible in your new kitchen design is by using a reputable kitchen or furniture manufacturer with a solid reputation for maintaining sustainability standards. If you bear the above four features in mind when you come to work on your new kitchen design, you will be able to create a modern, functional and valuable new heart of your home.

3 Ways You Can Help The Environment When Shopping For Your Home

Buying new items for your home can be an exciting time, but many of us are worried about how our shopping habits are impacting the environment. With endless options of furniture companies and furniture manufacturers out there, how can you choose one that supports your wish to be as eco-friendly as possible? Here we look at three ways you can shop for new furniture without feeling guilty.  Buy From Sustainable Furniture Companies It’s not just important to research the company that you’re opting for when it comes to buying bespoke furniture for your home, but you also need to look into the materials they use. These can have a big impact on its eco-friendly rating. Are they working with recycled or sustainable materials? Are they importing all of their materials from overseas? If the furniture manufacturer you’re looking at doesn’t have an environmental policy you agree with, it may be best you look at other companies for your bespoke furniture. As well as looking at where the materials come from, you should also avoid buying furniture that comes from unsustainable sources, such as plastic. Instead, try to buy wooden furniture as much as possible as this will not only last the test of time but will also be more likely to be eco-friendly. Shop Local Looking at the footprint of where your items come from is really important. If all of the goods your chosen furniture company sells are imported from abroad, just imagine the impact this is having on the environment – and you buying from them is just encouraging this. Instead look for a local shop with the majority of their furniture pieces made locally. When you shop locally, you’re also more likely to be supporting an SME, which can also have a great impact on your local economy, as well as bringing a big smile to the face of the small business owner! Shop Less Frequently We all want to find the perfect bespoke furniture pieces or modern furniture that fits with our interiors. But as trends and tastes change, we need to reduce the amount of times we buy new furniture. Shopping for new pieces every time we change our minds on the style we want for our home can have a terrible impact on the environment and play into the ‘waste culture’ that is so present in today’s society. Instead, try to shop less frequently. When you shop for well made, timeless pieces or custom-made furniture you won’t have to buy new items so often, which will help the environment – and your wallet! Making conscious choices when it comes to what furniture manufacturer you support or looking further into the design of your bespoke kitchen furniture can really help improve the impact you’re making on the environment. Hopefully these three steps will help put you on the right path to becoming a greener shopper for your home.

Looking For A New Sofa Set? 4 Reasons Why You Should Custom Design Your Own

Are you looking to revamp your living room but confused on what design of sofa sets to choose? Perhaps your current sofas are tired and over-used or you’re looking to completely freshen up the look of your home? Your sofa should be the focal point of your living room – an inviting place to crash out on after a long day at work. So having a sofa you despise can really affect your ability to relax at home! With so many different designs of sofas sets on the market, choosing what’s right for you can be a real headache. Not to mention time consuming. Creating your own modern design sofa from scratch is the way to go. Here’s four reasons why this is something you should consider. 1. Choose A Perfect Fit For Your Space Every home is different, so why should the designs of sofa sets all be the same? The majority of furniture companies and furniture manufacturers tend to carbon copy styles year in and year out, meaning we all end up with sofas that look the same! They’re also designed in standard sizes which can leave those with unique shape rooms at a loss. When you choose to custom design instead, you can create a modern design sofa that perfectly fits the shape and size of your living room. You can also tailor pick the colour and fabric, helping you to perfectly match your new sofa with the rest of your interior design. 2. Created By You, For You Is there anything more personalised to your style than a piece of custom-made furniture!? With the custom-design route, you’re firmly in the driver’s seat. Colourful and over-the-top? No problem. Understated and chic? Sure thing. Whatever you want to create, the sky’s the limit! Say goodbye to drab, dull sofas from the usual furniture manufacturers and hello to a new design sofa that will perfectly reflect your style and personality. 3. Think About The Resale Factor Have you ever walked into someone’s home and instantly known where their sofa is from? Well, when you buy from well-known furniture stores, this can happen a lot. Nobody likes to have the same as everyone else, and so custom-designed pieces are in great demand. If the time comes when you want a new design of sofa, selling or passing on a custom-designed sofa set will be a lot easier than one from an easily accessible store. What’s more, as no one knows the initial price you paid, you may even be able to sell the sofa for the same price you paid for it! Doesn’t that sound good to you?   4. Can Custom Sofas Actually Save You Money? Whenever we hear the words ‘custom-made’ we automatically see imaginary dollar signs! But designing a sofa from scratch isn’t as expensive as you may think. You can work in line with your budget, choosing fabric that reflect what you’re looking to spend. And remember, designing your own sofa to 100% suit your personality and style means you won’t get bored of it over time. Plus, you’re in control of the materials used so can choose quality built to last. Imagine all the money you will save from not having to buy a new sofa every couple of years when your store-bought one either falls apart or doesn’t go with your new interiors style. So next time you are looking for a unique design of sofas and coming up short, think about custom creating your own. From modern design sofas to classic sofa sets, there really is no limit to what you can create for your home!